Jeffrey Frank, LCSW
Today is the beginning of a new series for the podcast. I will be interviewing current members of the Online Counselling Directory – to highlight their journey to and experience with online therapy and how they are using technology in their practices and how they are growing their practices. My goal is to highlight our members so that we can continue to get to know one another, learn from one another, and continue to grow what is becoming a very supportive community. I’m very honored that our first guest is Jeffrey Frank in Sarasota Florida. Jeffrey is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who recently moved to Florida from Washington DC, and via Online Therapy, he was able to take his DC practice with him to Florida. His approach on moving his practice was brilliant, as he gradually worked with his face to face clients to transition them to online counseling. Jeffrey also specializes in Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy and offers classes and teaching to other therapists who want to learn this incredibly focused approach. He was a great first guest in this series and I look forward to supporting him in any way I can.